Saturday, June 2, 2007

That's funny...this is what I look like right now:

This picture is a true story by the way.

So about the Book Thief:

1. When you say foreshadowing, do you mean how we always sort of knew what would happen because Death told us first? I actually liked it because it made me pay closer attention to details so that when it did happen, I could put all the pieces together. Like Rudy's death. It was nice instead of an author trying to surprise us when everyone dies so we cry and cry because it's such a surprise.

2. Anne of Green Gables because a. orphaned girl b. hard-ass adoptive mother who softens and really likes having her around c. big hearted male figure who always cheers her up and then d. beating the odds by becoming the smartest, best reader ever...

3. The Mayor's wife whole leaving the window open with cookies sometimes was sort of Boo Radley-ish to me but still exciting. She was sad about her son and the war and her husband wasn't emotionally available? Or back then she just had to keep quiet?

4. Also, how did you feel about she and Max finding each other eventually? Sort of like yeah right but then great because he had been through a lot.

5. I loved the point of view, I liked the fact that she stole stuff, I liked Rudy but felt the saddest when he was dead and she'd never kissed him yet. That part probably made me the saddest.

I'm sorry Baby is sick but maybe it was your almond milk? I have no desire to make, drink or think about almond milk.

I'm picking up Babar pictures today framed so then I'll send pictures of the baby room. I like the powerpoint idea a lot -- or something like it. Some teacher assigns a project and you get to see into characters better by seeing what they come up with for the presentation. The funniest, too, is when horrible students use huge words they can't even pronounce.

Me: Mohamad, what does the word 'juxtaposition' mean?

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