Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What, pray tell, would I do, with one eye open? I mean really? See the shark's teeth coming at me? Warn the captain to go starboard or whatever? Sheesh. And may I remind you, lil' missy, if we do go down, you become the matriarch of the entire leftover family. Good luck with that.

I would post a picture of my new old chair but I don't know how to work the stupid camera. I mean I've been taught on NUMEROUS occasions HOWEVER, this teaching has not, as they say, stuck. I know a cord is involved. I know pushing a few buttons is involved. I just don't know which cord or which buttons. I'd work harder at it but baby is sucking on the camera strap so it's really not possible.

BTW, baby rolled under the bed yesterday. If his head wasn't sticking out I never would have found him. I'm a fantastic mother. He also almost ate a price tag I left on his teddy bear. You should call Oprah.

ALSO, today I should be doing the wash, buying the diapers, making ready the house, preparing the book stuff, etc. etc. all for my departure but instead I am sitting in my bedroom watching baby suck on a camera strap.

I now am going to take a break from our sponsor and look for the cord thingy so I can show you my new chair because I'm kind of proud of it even though Shelby made it and then Kathy refurbished it and all I did was watch and say things like, Wow, that looks so cool.

Okay, it's now twenty minutes later. I'm back and I think I've got it all figured out. Here are some pictures of baby in his two favorite purple chairs*

*note: pics were inadvertently put at beginning of blog, suri

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