Monday, June 4, 2007

What do you mean a true story? The kid is pregnant? I don't understand. I also think it's weird you feel like a fat Asian boy.


Here we go . . . I liked the foreshadowing too. It was actually genius in a lot of ways. Rather than wait, he just told the reader exactly what was going to happen--and of course if one of the main characters is going to die you have to find out the details. We thrive on stuff like that.

Ummm, Mayor's wife. I wanted more. I wanted to understand her. I guess it's okay.

Anne of Green Gables. Yeah. I could see it although Papa played a bigger part than Matthew.

I wished they would have kissed.

Ironic she saw Max again. He survived but no one else did? Interesting.

What about death? What is death like? I wondered where he takes them? I liked the point of view. Made me think about what a huge and sad job it would be and the Book Thief was the girl who made him stop and think.

What else, ummm, I wonder why it was so hard for me to get through. Your mom read it in like five days. I read the Boy Book and the Virgin Suicides in twenty four hours. The Book Thief took me about two months. Does that make me shallow? I think sort of.

Are you sitting on the shore of a lake right now?
Does your baby do somersaults?
I took Van to the doctor because he was coughing.
The doctor said he was fine.
So I took him swimming.
I think that's bad.

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