Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm about, ummmmm, sixty pages into BT and I get the Anne of Green Gables thing now. I'm definitely intrigued by the whole set up/death/random notes format although I felt the same way about Messenger and . . . well, we both know how that turned out. How far are you?

Today I thought about marijuana smoked in the back of a tenth grade classroom. How is that done? Without getting caught? I guess they did get caught BUT why did they think they wouldn't get caught?

Also, today I made strawberry jam. Yesterday I made chocolate cake and tomorrow I'm making whole wheat bread. Maybe. Oh, and I am trying intuitive eating so none of this will affect me.

What else, what else? Jude Law has a new girlfriend. Britney Spears is on a diet. The Bachelor is my new show and I found the link to the teenreads list that I wanted you to look over. See if anything catches your fancy. We need a queue.

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