Monday, April 9, 2007

Your crap link doesn't work. Try again, mama.

Also, I see the pattern...we have read all award-winning books. I guess I was looking for one I thought DESERVED an award and then RECEIVED an award. I may be looking forever. I'd go to your website but once again...your crap link...

I called you today to clarify on Angelina. I give her and Brad two more years -- TOPS. She is too much to handle. And now there's Pax and she truly went back on her word about being a stay at home mom and took a movie deal. Hypocrites shouldn't adopt kids.

Two new couples to watch for: Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds (ex-fiance of Alanis M.), then Jake Gyllenhall and Reese Witherspoon.

Apple pancakes from scratch? When are you making those for me? Sounds better than our Easter cereal dinner. T opted for Golden Grahams while I splurged with Lucky Charms.

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