Monday, March 19, 2007


The title is only because it was written on the sidewalk during my walk today. Thought I'd pass along the message.

Also, since it's been awhile I had to share two events at the house recently:

1. Two Saturdays ago I purchased three boxes of Girl Scout cookies from corner vendors (nine year olds). Three hours later, there was only one Caramel Delight left. I left one to prove I had self control. It was gone that night.

2. Additionally, I cleaned out our fridge. I'm posting pictures of the leftovers I discovered and then threw away, and then the amount of garbage I confiscated in a 30 minute period. Astonishing. However, I realize I hate cleaning out the fridge the most because I'm in denial. I'm in denial that I wasted food, I'm in denial that no one wanted my leftovers and I'm in denial that the food is THAT old. It's all denial and it adds up so usually Tod has to do it. This time I cleaned up my own mess.

3. Stopped reading BOY PROOF and checked out BOOK THIEF. This one better be good.

4. POP QUIZ: Can anyone identify what all four leftover dishes contain?


Ann Dee said...

Milli, Kath and I all took the pop quiz. We think it's jello, fruit salad, some kind of green rice thing and .. . the last one is a mystery. # 3 out of 4?

Tolly & Lennon said...

The answer is (starting with the white and moving clockwise):

1. Vegetable dip
2. Taco salad
3. Guacamole
4. Fruit salad

1 out of 4 for you three...